A Holistic Approach to Managing PCOS: Pelvic Floor Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, and Functional Nutrition


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex hormonal disorder that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Its symptoms, which can include irregular periods, excessive hair growth, weight gain, and infertility, can be physically and emotionally challenging to manage. While conventional treatments focus primarily on pharmaceutical interventions and lifestyle modifications, a holistic approach to PCOS management is gaining recognition for its potential to address the root causes and symptoms of this condition. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the effectiveness of pelvic floor therapy, visceral manipulation, and functional nutrition in treating and managing PCOS.

Understanding PCOS

Before delving into holistic approaches to managing PCOS, it is essential to understand the condition itself. PCOS is a complex endocrine disorder that affects individuals of reproductive age, primarily those with ovaries. It is characterized by a combination of symptoms, including:

  1. Irregular menstrual cycles

  2. Elevated levels of androgens (male hormones)

  3. Multiple small cysts on the ovaries

  4. Insulin resistance

  5. Weight gain or obesity

  6. Acne and excessive hair growth

  7. Infertility or difficulty getting pregnant

The exact cause of PCOS is not yet fully understood, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Hormonal imbalances play a central role in the development and persistence of PCOS, which can lead to various complications such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and mental health issues.

Conventional Approaches to PCOS Management

Typically, conventional treatment for PCOS aims to alleviate symptoms and reduce the risk of complications. These treatments include:

  1. Birth Control Pills: Oral contraceptives can regulate menstrual cycles and control androgen levels, effectively reducing symptoms like acne and excessive hair growth.

  2. Insulin-Sensitizing Medications: Metformin is often prescribed to improve insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar levels in women with PCOS who have insulin resistance.

  3. Fertility Medications: For individuals seeking to become pregnant, ovulation-stimulating drugs like Clomiphene may be prescribed.

  4. Lifestyle Modifications: A healthy diet and regular exercise are recommended to help manage weight and improve insulin sensitivity.

While these treatments can be effective in managing some aspects of PCOS, they may not address the root causes or provide a comprehensive solution for all individuals with the condition. This is where holistic approaches come into play.

Holistic Approaches to PCOS Management

Holistic approaches to PCOS management focus on addressing the underlying factors contributing to the condition. These approaches can complement conventional treatments or serve as alternatives for those who prefer a more natural, non-pharmaceutical path to healing. Three key holistic approaches to PCOS management are pelvic floor therapy, visceral manipulation, and functional nutrition.

  1. Pelvic Floor Therapy for PCOS

Pelvic floor therapy, a specialized form of physical therapy, focuses on the muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues that make up the pelvic floor. While not a direct treatment for PCOS, pelvic floor therapy can offer significant benefits to individuals with the condition. Here's how it can help:

a. Pain Management: Many women with PCOS experience pelvic pain, which can result from muscle tension or imbalances in the pelvic area. Pelvic floor therapy can help reduce pain and discomfort by releasing tension and improving muscle function.

b. Hormonal Balance: Stress and chronic pain can lead to hormonal imbalances, exacerbating PCOS symptoms. Pelvic floor therapy can help manage stress and improve hormonal balance through relaxation techniques and muscle release.

c. Improved Circulation: Proper blood flow is essential for hormonal regulation. Pelvic floor therapy can enhance circulation to the pelvic area, aiding in hormonal balance and potentially reducing the severity of PCOS symptoms.

d. Bladder and Bowel Function: Some individuals with PCOS may experience urinary or bowel dysfunction. Pelvic floor therapy can help address these issues by improving muscle control and function.

  1. Visceral Manipulation for PCOS

Visceral manipulation is a manual therapy that focuses on the internal organs and their surrounding connective tissues. It aims to release tension, restrictions, and imbalances within the organs and can be beneficial for individuals with PCOS in the following ways:

a. Hormonal Balance: Visceral manipulation can help improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, potentially supporting hormonal balance. By addressing organ mobility, it may contribute to more regular menstrual cycles.

b. Reduction of Inflammation: PCOS is associated with chronic inflammation, which can worsen symptoms and complications. Visceral manipulation may help reduce inflammation by enhancing the function of the lymphatic system and the body's natural healing processes.

c. Improved Digestion: Some individuals with PCOS experience digestive issues. Visceral manipulation can address these problems by improving organ function and alleviating conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which is commonly associated with PCOS.

d. Stress Reduction: Chronic stress can exacerbate PCOS symptoms. Visceral manipulation promotes relaxation and stress reduction by releasing tension in the body.

  1. Functional Nutrition for PCOS

Functional nutrition takes a personalized and holistic approach to diet and nutrition. It considers an individual's unique biochemistry, genetics, and lifestyle to create a tailored dietary plan. For individuals with PCOS, functional nutrition can be highly effective in the following ways:

a. Balancing Blood Sugar: One of the key factors in PCOS is insulin resistance, which can lead to elevated blood sugar levels and weight gain. Functional nutrition can help stabilize blood sugar through dietary changes, potentially reducing the severity of insulin resistance.

b. Hormonal Regulation: Functional nutrition emphasizes foods that support hormonal balance. Specific nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids, can help reduce androgen levels and regulate the menstrual cycle.

c. Weight Management: Many individuals with PCOS struggle with weight gain. Functional nutrition focuses on creating a balanced diet that supports healthy weight management.

d. Inflammation Reduction: A diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can help reduce the chronic inflammation often associated with PCOS.

e. Gut Health: The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in hormonal balance and inflammation. Functional nutrition can optimize gut health through dietary adjustments.

Pelvic Floor Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, and Functional Nutrition in Action

Now, let's explore how these holistic approaches can work together in a comprehensive plan for managing PCOS.

  1. Initial Assessment: The journey begins with a thorough assessment by a healthcare practitioner experienced in pelvic floor therapy and visceral manipulation, as well as a registered dietitian specializing in functional nutrition. This assessment includes a detailed medical history, physical examination, and discussions about symptoms and goals.

  2. Pelvic Floor Therapy: Based on the assessment, a personalized pelvic floor therapy plan is developed to address specific pelvic floor concerns. Treatment may include manual techniques, exercises, and relaxation strategies to relieve pain and improve muscle function. Individuals will learn self-care techniques they can use at home as well.

  3. Visceral Manipulation: Visceral manipulation is introduced to address any organ-related issues. Through gentle manual techniques, practitioners can release tension in the organs, promoting better function and potentially aiding in hormonal balance.

  4. Functional Nutrition: The registered dietitian creates a customized nutrition plan that considers the individual's unique needs and goals. This plan focuses on balancing blood sugar, reducing inflammation, and supporting hormonal health. Key elements of the nutrition plan may include:

    • Balanced macronutrients: Emphasis on whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats.

    • Blood sugar management: Meal timing, carbohydrate choices, and portion control to stabilize blood sugar levels.

    • Anti-inflammatory foods: Incorporation of foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries, leafy greens, and fatty fish.

    • Omega-3 fatty acids: Consumption of foods like salmon, chia seeds, and flaxseeds to help reduce androgen levels.

    • Fiber-rich foods: Encouragement of high-fiber foods like legumes, whole grains, and vegetables to support digestion and gut health.

  5. Stress Reduction: Holistic approaches to PCOS management also consider the impact of stress. Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation exercises can be introduced to promote emotional well-being and hormonal balance.

  6. Ongoing Support: Continuous monitoring and support are crucial to track progress and make necessary adjustments. Regular check-ins with healthcare practitioners, including physical therapists, osteopaths, and registered dietitians, can ensure that the holistic plan is tailored to the individual's evolving needs.

Benefits of a Holistic Approach

Combining pelvic floor therapy, visceral manipulation, and functional nutrition in a holistic approach to managing PCOS offers several benefits:

  1. Addressing Root Causes: Unlike conventional treatments that primarily manage symptoms, these holistic approaches target the underlying factors contributing to PCOS, potentially providing more comprehensive and long-lasting relief.

  2. Personalized Care: Each individual's PCOS experience is unique. Holistic approaches allow for personalized treatment plans that consider the specific needs and goals of the person, leading to more effective outcomes.

  3. Minimizing Medication: While medication can be an important part of PCOS management, a holistic approach may reduce the need for pharmaceutical interventions, which can be beneficial for individuals seeking a more natural approach.

  4. Empowering Self-Care: Holistic approaches empower individuals with PCOS to take an active role in their well-being. Techniques learned during therapy and nutritional counseling can be applied in everyday life to manage symptoms and reduce reliance on medical interventions.

  5. Potential for Improved Fertility: For individuals with PCOS seeking to conceive, a holistic approach can enhance reproductive health by addressing underlying issues and optimizing hormonal balance.

  6. Enhanced Quality of Life: Reducing pain, managing stress, and promoting overall well-being can significantly improve the quality of life for those with PCOS.

Case Studies

To illustrate the effectiveness of a holistic approach to PCOS management, let's consider two case studies.

Case Study 1: Sarah

Sarah, a 30-year-old woman, was diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 20. She struggled with irregular periods, acne, and excessive hair growth. She tried conventional treatments, including birth control pills and metformin, but saw limited improvement in her symptoms.

Sarah decided to explore a holistic approach and consulted a healthcare team consisting of a pelvic floor therapist, an osteopath specializing in visceral manipulation, and a registered dietitian experienced in functional nutrition.

The holistic treatment plan for Sarah included:

  • Pelvic floor therapy to address pelvic pain and discomfort.

  • Visceral manipulation to improve organ function and circulation.

  • Functional nutrition to stabilize blood sugar and support hormonal balance.

Over the course of a year, Sarah experienced significant improvements:

  • Her menstrual cycles became more regular.

  • Acne and excessive hair growth decreased.

  • She lost weight and experienced improved insulin sensitivity.

  • Chronic pain in her lower abdomen was alleviated.

Most importantly, Sarah felt more in control of her condition and her overall well-being.

Case Study 2: Lisa

Lisa, a 28-year-old woman, had been trying to conceive for several years without success. She was diagnosed with PCOS and struggled with irregular menstrual cycles. Lisa wanted to explore a holistic approach to improve her chances of becoming pregnant.

She started working with a healthcare team that included a pelvic floor therapist, an osteopath specializing in visceral manipulation, and a registered dietitian with expertise in functional nutrition.

Lisa's holistic treatment plan included:

  • Pelvic floor therapy to address pelvic pain and discomfort.

  • Visceral manipulation to improve organ function and circulation.

  • Functional nutrition to support hormonal balance and reproductive health.

After several months of treatment, Lisa experienced the following outcomes:

  • Her menstrual cycles became more regular, improving her chances of conception.

  • Pain and discomfort in her pelvic area decreased, reducing stress and tension.

  • Lisa became pregnant and successfully carried the pregnancy to full term.

This case study illustrates how a holistic approach can not only manage PCOS symptoms but also support fertility and reproductive health.


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a complex hormonal disorder that affects millions of individuals worldwide. While conventional treatments primarily focus on symptom management and lifestyle modifications, a holistic approach to PCOS management has gained recognition for its potential to address the root causes and symptoms of this condition. Combining pelvic floor therapy, visceral manipulation, and functional nutrition in a comprehensive plan offers a personalized and effective approach to managing PCOS.

Holistic care takes into account the unique needs and goals of individuals with PCOS, empowering them to actively participate in their well-being and reduce reliance on medication. By addressing underlying factors, promoting hormonal balance, and enhancing overall well-being, a holistic approach can significantly improve the quality of life for those with PCOS and may offer a path to better reproductive health.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of these holistic approaches can vary from person to person, and not all individuals with PCOS may find them suitable. Consultation with healthcare practitioners experienced in these therapies, like the team at Weeks Wellness, is essential to create a personalized treatment plan that best suits an individual's needs. In the pursuit of holistic PCOS management, collaboration between physical therapists, osteopaths, registered dietitians, and other healthcare providers can offer a comprehensive and integrative solution to this challenging condition.

Michelle Weeks, PT, DPT


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